And just like that…

I’m concerned about Jeff Sessions.

Not that there weren’t things to be concerned about before.  In fact for the majority of his confirmation hearing he answered how I expected him to answer.  Yes I’ll uphold the law.  If states laws conflict with Federal laws something needs to change.  The AG will uphold Federal laws.  Back peddle away from any race questions or questions about his past. Acknowledged that he would uphold laws that he doesn’t agree with as is the responsibility of the AG (Roe vs. Wade).

And then:

Sen. Whitehouse: “And a secular person has just as good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is religious, correct?”

Sen. Sessions: “Well, I’m not sure.”

Sessions went on to say “We’re going to treat anybody with different views fairly and objectively” but that doesn’t negate his previous comment.

As an atheist this really concerns me.  Change the words secular and religious around, or to different religions.

“And a Christian person has just as good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is Muslim, correct?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”


“And a Muslim person has just as good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is Christian, correct?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”


“And a Jewish person has just as good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is Christian, correct?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”


“And a Buddhist Monk has just as good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is Christian, correct?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”


“And a Hindu has just as good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is Christian, correct?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”


Instant Outrage for any of these.  At least their should be.

Part of Congressional Hearings is that we should take these people spoken at their word.  What they say is what they believe to be the truth.  So we should believe Senator Sessions when he says he’s not sure a secular person can understand the truth like a religious person, but he’s sure gonna try hard to believe them anyways.  It is particularly worrying when you discover that in 2001 Senator Session rebuked Senator Leahy for swearing in a witness without requiring them to use the phrase “So help me God.”  When questioned on it Senator Sessions said “95% of people believe in God.”  Even if that is true, swearing on the Bible isn’t a constitutional mandate.

I want to take people on their word.  That they will say what they believe.  However, that doesn’t seem to be the outlook of this administration.  Kelly Anne Conway admitted that herself this weekend. We need to look at people’s hearts, not the words that come out of their mouth.  Just ignore those please.



2 thoughts on “And just like that…

  1. I like to think I have a great imagination, but I also have a clear view of reality. The words that come out of your mouth matter.

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