Eyes Covered

sleepphones-comfortable-headphones-for-sleeping-3I feel like I’m going old school again with my sleep habits thanks to SleepPhones.

When I was in high school I started falling asleep with a hat covering my eyes. It was a long sky blue knitted hat, and I pulled it down over my eyes to sleep. I loved it. I’m not sure where the hat is now, but that was it. Pull the hat down and I could fall sleep.

It was the start of me basically making a sleep routine for myself.

It evolved over time. To falling asleep with music on. That comes from old neurosis about hearing people talk as I lay in bed. I used to think I was hearing TV or voices while I was trying to sleep late at night, but when I would get up and search the house I wouldn’t find a TV on, or radio on, or anyone awake. When I’d lay back down I’d hear it again. I’m pretty sure my mind was playing tricks on me. Either that or someone was awake and didn’t want to be caught. Either way it led to me sleeping with a radio on. Come to think of it, this may predate my long blue hat.

In college I started sleeping with a pillow over my eyes. I called it Special Pillow. It was an old beat up down pillow. Almost nothing left to it. Older than any pillow had a right to be. But it was light enough, and malleable enough to just lay over the top of my head and block out any light in the room.

Special Pillow died a horrible death two years ago. It was basically disintegrating into nothing. Which considering how old it was, probably was a good thing. But it left me with nothing to put over my eyes or head.

sleepphonesEarlier this year I discovered SleepPhones. When Sam and I moved in together I had to start phasing out my sleep routine. I always fell asleep to Futurama. I’d put it on my laptop and pass out. It was at the point where if it was a dark room, and Futurama was on, I was falling asleep. I trained my body well to recognize that. But Sam needs quiet and darkness. A video on a laptop doesn’t work for that. I had gotten into the habit of putting headphones on and falling asleep to watching Futurama on Netflix through my phone. Headphones aren’t that comfortable to sleep in. But it was a good compromise. (Not the only one, I also sleep with my own sheet, as Sam wraps herself in blankets at night. We each have our own covers essentially.)

SleepPhones are amazing though. Essentially a light weight head band with small, thin headphones built in as ear pads rather than bulky ear buds or phones. And I can pull it down over my eyes. Old school style. I love it.


And the new couch proves comfy.

I woke up at 4 am and I struggled to get back to sleep.

I tried my usual trick…. put an episode of Futurama on my phone, turn it over, and fall asleep listening to it.  Futurama has been my go to sleeping method for years.  Almost never fails me.  I’ve gone from falling asleep watching an episode, turn just hearing an episode and falling asleep.  Sam struggles to fall asleep to noise or people talking…. I kind of need it.  Sam needs dark, I can fall asleep with whatever.  So our compromise is that I put Futurama on my my phone, flip the phone over so its dark still, and wear headphone while falling asleep.  It’s sounds elaborate typed out, but its not.  Sam never really complained about the light or noise, I just know she gets to sleep faster without it.

But while I fell alseep great last night.  I woke up at 4 am and couldn’t get back to work with Futurama on my phone.  So I tried sleeping trick number two: move locations.  I went out to the living room to lay back down and try to fall asleep.  It worked.  It worked perfectly.  Within minutes of laying down I got back to sleep.

I put that on new couch and his amazingness.

Of course I had a weird dream that I woke up at 7:59 and it was still dark outside.  It was really vivid too.  In my dream my alarms didn’t go off, and I kept checking my phone and it kept saying 7:59.  It was dark outside and my alarms had never gone off.  In my dream I grabbed Sam’s computer off the coffee table and it too said 7:59 (strange because Sam’s computer is on the coffee table this morning).

ben-and-jerry's-scotchy-scotch112013I blame that dream on the Scotchy Scotch Scotch I ate last night.

Sam bought me a pint of it and I may have eaten the whole pint in one sitting. It was fantastic and I couldn’t resist.

When I actually did wake up it was 5:36 am, 4 minutes before my alarm. Which still sucks, but at least I won’t be late for work.

I’ll Admit…

I’ll admit… it probably wasn’t smart to watch the first episode of American Horror Story right before going to bed last night.  Not that I was scared or freaked out or anything, but it set the mood for dark, quiet night.

We went to bed and I fell asleep to Futurama (like I always do) but woke up about twenty minutes later wide awake.  The bane of falling asleep for a whole night is the twenty minute power nap because I was wide awake.  At that point it was past midnight, and it was so quiet in my apartment I could hear everything.

Every time I moved my arm I could hear it on the sheets.  I hear every click and bang from the radiator. I heard every car that passed in the front of the apartment.  Every time a guinea pig took a drink of water in the other room it was loud and clear to me.  I laid awake for about ten minutes hearing every thing, one at a time, loud and clear as if it had been through a speaker.

And then, as it started to quiet down Angelo started bolting up and down the hallway.  He’d run as fast as he could (and loudly!) down the hardwood floored hallway, stop at the end and let out a few meows, then bolt back the other direction.  He did this four or five times, before I got out of bed to see what was freaking him out.  I walked into the kitchen and he was just sitting there staring at me.

Now our stove is a little odd.  You can actually hear the pilot light in the oven if its really quiet.  It can be confusing, and was, before we figured out what it was.  It just sounds like a lighter flame flickering in the wind.  Regardless of the knowing what the noise was, in a pitch black apartment, with wind blowing outside, and every noise bolstered, the pilot light added to the atmosphere.

I lured Angelo to the bedroom with some kitty treats, and was able to get him to his spot on bed (Angelo has a spot that he sleeps in, its his).  I put some Futurama on my phone, and two episodes later (and some sleep talking by Sam) I fell asleep.

I had weird dreams I wish I remembered, but it was an odd night and I can trace it all back to watching American Horror Story.  So my advice to you, shut off the lights, get ready for bed, and throw on the first episode of American Horror Story.  It was great.


From The Transcredible Exploits of Zapp Branigan:

Emperor Chop Chop: No one can save you now, Leela.

Leela Actress: Well, what about Zapp Brannigan?

Emperor Chop Chop: Well, obviously, Zapp Brannigan can save you, but— [the door opens and Zapp, walks in] Zapp Brannigan!

Zapp: So, Emperor Chop Chop, once again we meet at last! Drop that space gun or I’ll shoot! Like so! [shoots the villain and unties the actress portraying Leela]

Leela Actress: Oh, Zapp! Tie me back up and ravish me!

Zapp: I’d like to, Leela. So I will.


And that is why Zapp Branigan rules.