39 Pairs of Socks

I have been meaning to go through my sock drawer for a few months now.  For Christmas I got 5 pairs of new socks and just recently was gifted some Sesame Street socks to match Marceline’s Sesame Street socks, leading to sock drawer overload.

I dumped my sock drawer on the floor and decided to weed out unmatched socks, but that equated to three solo socks, so something more needed to be done.

I switched tactics and started putting socks I would keep back in the drawer and created a giant toss pile.

None of these socks have holes in them, but most have stretched out elastic creating neverending floppy sock, or are really thin and not worth keeping. Even my old favorites like Space Invader socks and robot socks are getting tossed.

But… That still leaves me with 39 Pairs of socks, which seems extreme. This doesn’t count the running socks I have either, those are in another drawer.

How many pairs of socks do adults have? It has to be less than 39 pairs.

Stay At Home Dad

Tomorrow starts my first week of my move from work to Stay At Home Dad.

It’s going to be awesome.

To start my homemaker life, I stitched up a hole in my sock. That’s right. Let’s save those holey socks and make them comfortable again. Sam told me the proper word is “darning”. I darned the heck out my sock.

It helps that they are purple taco socks. No one wants to retire purple taco socks.

And Marceline likes looking at them too – because who doesn’t like looking at taco socks.

Baby Sock

I did laundry yesterday. I washed a bunch of baby clothes for our impending child. I washed them and hung them to dry and now am missing one baby sock.

I don’t even have a baby yet and I’m losing her clothes.

Sock Pebble

robotsocksEveryone has had it.

Where you get a pebble or something small in your sock that irritates your foot with every step.

That was this morning.

I spent about 4 minutes taking on and off my sock trying to locate whatever it was that irritating my heel.

I didn’t locate it, but after taking the sock on and off three times it was gone.

I had to turn the sock inside out and sweep the whole of it with my hand before it felt fine when I wore it.

Robots did not help.