
Not feeling it this morning. Not feeling like moving or like getting going. But I showered, and am drinking my coffee and am getting moving anyways.

I woke up with that song I drew to last night on my mind. I like waking up with a soundtrack to my morning. Its a good song. And while I only hear the song beat and music, the lyrics are there too. But today I'm going to listen to the score to Battlesstar Galactica. Its mostly orchestra music, heavy on the paino and electrical guitar at points to. Electrical guitar, electric guitar. Electric. Wish I felt electric, electric implies energetic. Which I'm not right now.

My sleep wasn't interupted last night, but I had this weird dream where I knew I was dying over and over again. But not in my dream. The dream wasn't about dying. It was about the knowledge I was dying over and over again. If that makes sense. The sort of dread that comes from knowing you're going to die. I don't remember too much, but that feeling was there. It wasn't upsetting either. I didn't wake up in a cold sweat or nervous or anything like that. I just think it wasn't restful sleep. Or I didn't wake up rested at least. So that's six and a half hours of sleep down the drain.

Sadly I have my day mapped out already. Work and get home about 6:20. Leftoever pizza for dinner. Dishes need to be done. Carpet needs to be vacuumed. Sheets to be laundered. A drawing. Maybe watch a movie. Probably play a video game (I've realized I haven't used many of my video games in years, so I decided to try them out a bit). And most likely bed around midnight. Oh, probably check my bank balance and pay some bills. Maybe through out an application or two. That's a productive if not depressive evening.