The Idea Is…

The idea is to slowly wake up earlier, to add to my morning productivity.

Currently I wake up at 5:50 AM, do push ups and sit ups, shower, dress, feed Angelo, make coffee or tea, make lunch, put contacts in, brush my teeth and comb my hair, pack my bag and am out the door at 6:35 – 6:45.  It is a lot.

What I want to add to my mornings is some down time to read the news, drink a little coffee while here at home, and maybe write an extended blog entry in the morning.  I figure that needs an extra ten minutes.  Maybe instead of the Aeropress (best coffee maker made by a Frisbee company – or any other company) and use the french press to make coffee instead so I can have that extra cup of coffee without the extra effort.

We’ll see.  Today the alarm went off at 5:30, and then again at 5:45, and I got out of bed at 5:50

And by writing this I’m now running late.

Best of Intentions, Right?