02/01/10 07:46
Ella Rose Squire was born on December 29, 2009. She
rocks. I was holding her December 31. When Sean let me
know she was born I did a little dance on the street
corner (never mind that it was late at night and
freezing outside).
I asked if I could be Funcle AJ (you know, a fake
uncle, or fun uncle) and the title was whole heartedly
accepted (I even get my own theme music, which is Brick
House). I checked my mail for the first time in a week
and in it was pictures of baby Squire.
So I’ve got a new wallet photo in my wallet. It goes
along with a picture of Rider (my nephew) and a “Save
the Date” reminder photo for Sean and Missy’s wedding.
That’s right, I’ve got the entire Squire family in my