Oh My Me

Years ago I bought a CD in support of Wussy going down to SXSW.  It came with a CD by a band I’d never heard before called Oh My Me.

It made an impression on me. It’s jazzy, soulful maybe.  The only place I’ve ever found information on them is on Bandcamp.

This is their profile :

Oh My Me was formed in Lexington, Ky in 2010. With a wildly-varying musical background, the group blends an eclectic mix of battering drums, psychedelia & heavy-soul vocals to form it’s uniquely theatrical sound.

They haven’t produced anything since 2012.  It seems a little crazy that 2012 was 14 years ago.  So I don’t think they’ll mind if I embed one of their songs here, but if they do, just let me know and I’ll remove it

You can still find them on Bandcamp (Oh My Me) where you can buy their live album and EP for whatever price you want.  Totally worth picking up in my opinion. 

They are one of those bands I find myself coming back to regularly for their distinct sound.

Accidentally left car windows open…

Accidentally left my car windows open last night.  And it rained… Only a little, so seats are a little wet but no build up in the car. 

However as I was driving I noticed something missing from my rear view mirror. 

Back 20 years ago I almost died from my appendix rupturing.  Gangrene, septic, removing part of my intestine and all that jazz.  A week in the hospital with a super high heart rate post surgery (fun thing… Cardiac ward is away more expensive than some other parts of the hospital).

All in all doctors told my girlfriend at the time there was a decent chance I’d not survive.  Showed them though. 

After that my dad got me a Miraculous Mary Medallion.  Now I’m not religious, I’m an atheist, but was raised Roman Catholic. My dad told me his parents got him one when he went to Vietnam in the Navy, and after my near death appendix attack he wanted me to have one (gave one to my brother also who was in a car accident around the same time).

I’m not going to wear it, but I love that it’s from my dad and has meaning to him so it has meaning to me, So I hung it on my rear view mirror immediately after he gave it to me.

Several cars later, it still hangs in my rearview mirror. Sure it’s dirty and a little bit grimy, and I’ve never cleaned it. I don’t think it’s even been in a house or apartment, just lived in my car. 

It’s been in a few fender benders, including one that had both girls in the backseat and we are all okay (the car was not and the necklace soon moved to our new vehicle).

It’s traveled all over the East Coast; from Maine, Florida, Delaware, Georgia, and Missouri – and everywhere in between.

But when I got my car this morning I didn’t see it hanging there. Took me a little bit of searching around my feet to find it under the seat. Adjust your someone saw the open window and absconded with it for a minute.

Glad I found it, not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t. Probably would have to have asked my dad to get me a new one. Because it came from him in anything other than that wouldn’t have been the same.


So it’s 9am. Edith is still asleep, probably because she woke up around 4:30 and was up for a bit. But with Marceline already at kindergarten, the house still largely clean, and my chores done, I’m confused as to what to do with my time. I even packed her snack and lunch for later today, made myself some breakfast (I usually skip) and am on my second french press of coffee. Not nearly as tired as I usually would be because I didn’t run this morning either – Edith’s awake time went into when I’d normally get up to run.

So I decided to check in on my website. I’ve largely no idea what to do with this site. I love having it. It’s such a part of me and I’ve had it 15 years now, which is nuts, but I don’t update it much.

Anyways, until I figure that out, here’s the “Twisty-Bitsy Spider Bread” Edith and I made that was in the High-Five magazine she got yesterday:

Summer Ramp Up

At the start of the year I set a few goals for myself.

A) I wouldn’t buy myself candy
B) I would do 100 push ups a day
C) I would 15 minutes a day on my kindle
D) I would try to run 50 miles a month

I’ve kept all of them – to one degree or another.

I haven’t bought myself candy, explicitly bought myself candy. I did buy Sam a bag of peanut butter hearts around Valentine’s Day when she was having a few tough days knowing that I would eat some. Same around Easter – buying her or the kids Easter candy knowing I get to eat some. But as far as picking myself up candy as a snack, or while out shopping, or just for myself – I haven’t done it. So totally counts.

I have done 100 push ups a day, every day except one, last week. I did 250 the next day to make up for it.

I have read 15 minutes on my kindle daily. It tracks that, so not really a way around it. And I’ve been enjoying it.

In February I ran 47 miles. It was a shorter month. But that’s close enough to count and I picked it up in March with 85 miles. I’m trying to be most lenient with this one. I run around my family. So getting up early to run or running at night. And when I don’t get at least 6 hours of sleep for one reason or another I refuse to run, and rather prioritize sleep.

And there are days like today where I come out to the living to get my running clothes on before heading out the door and Marceline is just laying on the couch with a big smile on her face. Of course I’m going to sit with her instead of running. She is too cute not to.

Birthday Card

Our 2-year-old daughter is very much into monsters right now. Wolfman and Frankenstein are her favorites. So when I took her to the Dollar Tree and let her pick whatever card she wanted for Sam’s birthday, obviously she was drawn towards the Halloween cards.

Sam took it in stride.

I think it’s wonderful! We will be keeping this card for a long while.

I let Sam pick her birthday dinner. It was something new. Avgolemono soup, and pitas made from scratch. With Apple Crisp instead of cake. It all turned out great.

James Garfield

I’ve been reading a biography about James Garfield on and off all summer. It’s hard to find time to sit down and actually read more than a few pages at a time.

But at 300 pages in I’ve come across my favorite quote by far:

“It now appears we are defeated by the combined power of rebellion, Catholicism, and whiskey, a trinity very hard to conquer…”

Is that not an amazing quote? Have another measure of respect Mr. Garfield.