Marceline turned 1 yesterday.

We did a cake smash for her. Made a banana cake with blueberry whipped cream and put all of the family on video chat through our phones.

Marceline was pretty stoic for most of it, but loved it and got talkative towards the end.

I’d say it was pretty successful.

Garage Door Guy

I had someone over to give me an estimate on replacing some parts for our garage door.

I’ve basically been trapped in our house all day as the garage door would not open, the giant spring that helps counterbalance the door that snapped in half.

After we talked and he gave me an estimate, he gave me his business card. Tell them to wait because I had a business card for him, and then handed him a Kenny Loggins Day card.

He was super excited and said he loves Kenny Loggins. He said they have a wall of business cards in their office, and this one’s going up along with all the others.

That’s right even on off years where I don’t work in a school or around other people, I’m still spreading the good news of Kenny Loggins Day.

Marceline and I will be celebrating Kenny Loggins day next Tuesday.

Reoccurring Dream

I have this reoccurring dream.

Maybe once a month. Maybe every other month.

I wouldn’t call it frequent. Often. Occasionally.

It is not always the same but always involves the same thing.

In the dream my fingers ache and I try stretching them. I find I can stretch all of my fingers but the thumb on my left hand. It is stuck in a thumbs up position, but so far arched back that it hurts.

In my dream I can’t bend it back. Like the knuckle needs to crack and just won’t so it is stuck. It’s painful because it is stretched so much. I eventually take my right hand and use to force my thumb to bend and everything is normal again except for my thumb being sore.

It remains sore when I wake up as well. I’m not sure if I’m acting out my dream, that it is so arched in my dream that in real life in my sleep it is arched.

And I have the memory of it being painful. If I focus on my thumb while I wake I remember how painful it felt while asleep.

Weird dream. And weirder that I’ve had every so often for a few years now. I always forget about it after a few days, and then recall having it when it happens again.

Time to forget again.


I have a few things that I’m slightly persnickety about. One of them is the sheets on my bed that I sleep with have to have the top up at the top. That slightly thicker edging has to be up by my head.

What’s difficult is that we have some bed sheets that don’t have a top. All the edges are exactly the same. So that it doesn’t make a difference. But a majority of our sheets have a top.

For the last 2 weeks Sam is made the bed. Even though we’ve lost our sheets we’ve kept the same sheets, just wash them and then put them back on the bed. It’s flannel sheets because it’s winter.

I couldn’t remember if these sheets had a top or not. But Sam knows I’m very particular about having sheets top up. So I figured these must be the sheets that have the same edging all the way around. But every night I would search for the top edge when I got in bed.

Yesterday I was making the bed in the morning and discovered that Sam made the bed for two weeks in a row with the topside on her side of the bed. she doesn’t even sleep with the sheet she sleeps on top of it.

I can’t believe my own spouse was keeping the top edge of the sheet from me!!! It’s fixed now, despite Sam’s trying to sabotage my sleep.


Wasn't Sure

So I wasn’t sure where I was going to go with this post. I have just renewed my site, and I’m not sure why other than I like the address: and have had it for years upon years now.

I post way less than the past. Sam and I had talked before having Marceline that we didn’t want to post tons of pictures of her all over social media. Considering we both stopped using Facebook (and yes I know Instagram is owned by Facebook, and I’m considering dropping that also), it wasn’t a hard decision to stick by.

However all my days are centered around Marceline right now. So if I don’t post about her, what am I posting about.


And then my button fell off the shirt I’m wearing.

I’m not sure who else wears button down shirts when they hang around the house most of the day, but I am that person. A friend came over the other day and I didn’t have a button down shirt on. She remarked that it was very odd to see me without one on.

I went to our craft closet, which is probably the only place in the house that hasn’t been organized since we moved in almost two years ago. It’s a mess. Everything else in this house has been rearranged or clean at least once, if not several times, but our craft closet, not so much.

Shows how much we craft. I couldn’t find any white string, and got to thinking, who cares. I’m not working right now and even if I did go back to work half of my button shirts have been puked, pooped, spit up or otherwise covered in Marceline’s bodily fluids in one way or another, counting this one, so it would likely never see the inside of a school or office that I would work in, so why not use a different color. Red was the first string I saw so I grabbed it.

Honestly, I think it looks fine. And really, who cares.

Sewing a shirt button led to all sorts of reminiscing about the past. I think I learned to sew in 8th grade maybe. Was it 7th? We had to take a Home Ec class. Do they even have Home Ec anymore?

I made some Piggie Boxers in that class. So that would have been what… 1992 or 1993? I still have them in them in the back of my underwear drawer. Wore them as pajamas for a long time.

They still fit almost 30 years later. They are draw string, but the pattern they gave me to make them must have been huge. I was what, 80 pounds in 8th grade? Maybe 90 at most. Whatever, glad I kept them. Go Piggies.

Anyways, Marceline is waking up, which means reminiscing is done. But, while she slept I wrote several pages in her journal, did laundry, put my cast iron skillet in the oven to season, made a grocery list, did my push ups, took a shower, and sewed a button on my shirt. Not bad for two hours of free time.