Goals Met

At the start of the year I set a goal of 50 days in a row of running. This was coming off almost two full months of no exercise at all. Last I had run was the first week of November.

I decided to sign up for a few Garmin badges, uncertain of whether I would meet them or not. One is a badge for running 50 miles each month, which I figured was more than attainable, the other was for running 505 kilometers (313.8 miles) by March 30, which I didn’t think was doable but signed up for regardless.

Towards the end of January I realized I was close to hitting 100 miles a month without much effort. I was running around 3 miles a day, with some shorter runs and longer ones here and there. With a little promoting from a friend, I decided to go for and run a couple longer tunes in the last week to hit 100 miles for the month.

Which felt awesome.

I went a little nuts in February and ran 134 miles. More than I had in any month since college. Calves were perpetually tight. I wore compression sleeves on my calves at night which helped, bought new running shoes mid month, and stretched more. And then on my birthday (Feb 19) ran a 5k at my fastest pace since college.

I decided to dial it back a bit in March, aiming for 100 miles again, but hit some other goals. Garmin had a badge for running a 15k in March, which is just over 9 miles – so I did a 10 mile run in early March. I also want to run a half marathon before the end of March.

But my favorite achievement so far is hitting that 505k badge. Having only hit 100 miles in a month once before in my adult life (October 2020), hitting three times in a row to start 2021, in the midst of turning 42, and with a toddler under 2 years old feels like a big accomplishment.

And to hit 505k by mid-March, feels really great. Suck it middle age! I still got this.

Tired… Yet Wide Awake

I’m really tired…. Yet wide awake.

It’s kind of annoying. But I guess it’s as good of time as any to update my blog. Little noises seem really loud right now. For example… One of my cats just shook their head. Ear flapping noise was pretty loud. Wind outside… Loud. Neighbor’s tv (across the lot in the other building)…. Loud.

Of course none of those really are loud right now. This makes night number two in a row that I’m not sleeping well. I’m out on the couch so as not to disturb Sam while she’s sleeping. Although Ginger is running around making noise (again that probably only seems loud to me).

Running has been pretty good. I’ve got to get out of the earlier this morning if I want up my mileage. I’ve been getting out the door at 6:45 which only leaves me enough time to run two miles before heading to work. I’d like to make three miles my easy run, but haven’t quite found a good three mile path. I have a two mile path down, and a 3.6 mike one, and I think I have a five miler I can do. Vibrams are holding up strong. No bunion pain. No shin pain. Both good signs.

Oh well. Time to relax and hopefully fall asleep. Cartoons or video games? Or maybe just read til I pass out? My stomach is rumbling loudly. Or is it just loud to me?

Day 2: Charpentier Genes, Pounding Feet, and dreams of coffee

Second day of running. I ran the same route as yesterday, in almost the exact same time. Which I’m very ok with. I think for this week at least I’ll run the 2 mile route and next week I’ll change it up a little.

I’m counting on my “Charpentier Genes” to get me back in shape quickly. Whenever I exercise with friends the joke is that because I have “Charpentier Genes” I’m never more than 2 weeks or so from being in fantastic shape. Also my legs are always stupidly muscular. At least my calves. So figuring in my Charpentier Genes I should be in decent shape by July, and fantastic shape by Delaware. I’ll settle for decent shape. Hell, I’ll settle for 10 pounds lighter.

My Vibrams still leave my bunion pain free during runs. I’m quite enthused by it. It does sometimes leave my feet feeling pounded. But that doesn’t last.

I passed someone drinking coffee in the park this morning. Immediately made my stomach rumble. Smelled good.



I forced myself out of bed today to go running. I have been telling myself for a long while that when I work over the summer I will get up at my normal time and run (Sam gets up then anyways to go to work).

Last week I didn’t run once. This morning I just didn’t feel like it. But I forced myself awake and Sam threw some encouragement my way and I went out for a slow 2 mile run (jog? Run? eh.) It felt good. I’d been contemplating biking to work. However work is now over 20 miles away. And while it is summer and I can dress way down…. I still have to be professional, which may be difficult with no showers there.

The guy who lives above is making toast. It smells really good. I’m kind of surprised, I thought all he was capable of was playing one tune on the guitar (seriously buddy…. its been almost 7 months, and every night you sit down to practice for an hour or two, usually late at night, to play the same lame ass song. try something new)

This weekend Sam and I went to Whipp’s Ledges. It was gorgeous. However while hiking I saw a tree with a hole in it. All I thought of was the Ewok movie where the guy puts his hand in the tree and something tries to bite it off.

Whats in there?

Upcoming and Ongoing

So a few things are upcoming and ongoing.

  1. School’s almost done (although I’ll be working throughout June)
  2. Running.  Sam has started C25k and as part of that when she goes out for her workout three times a week (right now) I go out for a 20 – 25 minute run.  Running in my Vibram’s feels slower than running in other shoes, but my bunion doesn’t hurt so I’m ok with that.
  3. Bike fixing.  A part of my bike broke off the other day.  So I’m ordering a new part, new cables and wiring it all up myself.  Kind of fun.
  4. Drawing.  Pat asked me to sketch out a few ideas for a logo for a yearly get together with friends he goes to.  It’s fun.
  5. Weekday Vegetarian.  I read a short book on being a vegetarian during the week, and then eating whatever you want on weekends.  It seems interesting, and I like interesting things, and if I can be a vegetarian and still get my buffalo wings on occasion I’ll be happy.
  6. On that front, Reggie is going back to fasting one day a week.  It seems beneficial (at least Reg spouts the benefits… he still needs to send me the research), so I’m thinking of starting that soon.  Again, would be interesting.
  7. Last.fm I’ve switched to Last.FM from Pandora (although I still listen to the comedy station at Pandora).  I just like their recommendations better.  Plus Patrons of Sweet came on.