Little Legos

I don’t keep a lot of Legos around. Two little daughters will make you hide a lot of stuff.

But I keep two little Legos on my desk all the time. They both come from a Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar from 6 or 7 years ago

One is a Gronk Droid and the other an AT-AT Walker. Both are just awesome and are some of the little things that just make me happy.

After being on my desk as a principal for several years, it makes me happy to have been able to bring them home and keep them on my desk here at home. I don’t even mind that my daughters play with them, just that they make it back to my desk.

These drawings don’t do them justice.

Today has been a good day so far. Ran 4 miles. Took the girls to the park. Cleaned a little and have time to draw and post. Solid day and it’s only 1:30.

Rain Run

Missed yesterday’s run due to lack of sleep.

But felt good this morning so I managed to get up. It was surprisingly warm so I decided to get out and run by instead of a treadmill run.

It… Felt good. And only rained on me a little towards the end. Which was more refreshing than chilly.

Yes, I danced a little bit while running


I cleaned out the tupperware door the other day. This is the pile of lids that have no match to them.


It’s somewhere satisfying to get rid of these.

On the hand it’s somewhat sad that some of these probably haven’t had matches for years.

Breaking down…

Or is it breaking up. Or is there a difference between the two.

I have no clue. But I’ve honestly enjoyed doing yardwork this early spring. We’re not tackling too much. Raking out flower beds, putting a larger garden in the front. Maybe moving some rocks around and setting up a bigger play area for the girls.

But what I’ve enjoyed most is taking apart (I almost said breaking down) our stick pile that’s been growing for the last 5 years. It was there when we moved in 5 years ago. And we’ve added to it over the years.

We initially thought we’d be burning a lot more or having a lot more evening fires. But we haven’t reached that state yet.

So I’m pulling apart all of the branches from this giant pile and separating them into twigs starters, smaller sticks, bigger sticks and ones that need to be cut up a little more.

Instead of one big pile, there’s four smaller ones in our backyard right now. However, breaking them apart like this will allow me to tie them up with some twine and have easier accessible firewood.

It’s long and annoying and I’m not sure what I’m achieving other than moving the pile from one place to another, but it’s kind of enjoyable and that monotonous sort of way.

One Tooth Less

Another morning where I hoped to run but didn’t. Not the best start to the week. Morning exercise takes several days in a row to get used to, but is ridiculously easy to fall out of, at least for me.

This morning’s excuses ran from my jaw was sore, Marceline was up multiple times last night – including almost an hour at 3am, bedtime lasted hours last night, all the way to tomorrow morning will be easier.

Sigh. Those are all horrible excuses. I enjoy running and it shouldn’t be this hard to do it regularly.

Interestingly, aside from being sore, and feeling really weird, my lack of tooth doesn’t hurt. Similarly to how I remember my jaw feeling after getting my wisdom teeth out 20 years ago. Nice to know my pain tolerances haven’t changed much.

Didn’t run

I wanted to run this morning… Well more accurate would be I wanted to want to run.

But at 5:45 Edith did her sit up and search for a cuddle partner. Sam was in the other room (not sure if it was Marceline’s coughing or my snoring that drove her out to get sleep in the other room), so Edith slothed over to me and put her head on my chest and eventually get back asleep.

Combine that with some mild nervousness over going to the oral surgeon this morning to get a tooth pulled (one of my molars root cracked and is infected) and I both didn’t fall back asleep but couldn’t get myself out of bed to run.

I did get out of bed by 6:30, have showered, had morning coffee, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and started folding the never ending pile of laundry before stopping to write this post. So it wasn’t unproductive, just not everything I wanted for this morning.

But morning cuddles, always nice .