A new year….

I’m not sure why I keep this site anymore. I do know I want to come back to it and try to use it regularly, but life gets in the way.

It started as a blog for life and for my art. But Daily Art ended years ago when I became a principal, and daily life has been a little busy, and more personal as it is mostly family with my girls and Sam, which isn’t something I want to post about regularly.

So what will I use this for? Here, in 2023. Starting goals for the year are to get back into running and doing some basic strength exercises (mostly pushups). That ended when my second was born and all my free time became taking care of her and general exhaustion. Which has been, totally non-sarcastically, amazing. I love the life I have, and love being a stay at home dad.

Secondary goals is to get my eating back towards some healthy habits. Stress, lack of sleep, and general exhaustion got me onto sweets and crappy eating pretty fierce. And to be honest I’ve been enjoying it. So I’ll track my food intake for the month of January. Again, not the amounts I eat, but rather what I eat, to try and make some better choices.

Beyond those, two admittedly selfish goals, I don’t have much. I’d like to read more, well maybe more books. I have been making my way through audio books and comic books pretty regularly. I read a ton of comics and probably listen to one audio book a month on my phone doing normal things. I’d like to throw one book in there a month as well, if possible. Starting with Benjamin Franklin: An American Life which Sam got me for Christmas and I’ve been enjoying.

Strangely these read like goals anyone would have starting a New Year. But maybe we all just crave the same things.

Glad I’ve left the church…

I’ve been an atheist for a long time. It’s been 20+ years since I’ve considered myself a Catholic. 

I’ve only called myself an atheist for the last 12 or so years. A slow journey from the hypocrasy of the Catholic church to the realization that religion, spirituality, or anything resembling that has no place in my life.

But the church still baffles me. What does it do in response to declining membership, increasing scandals, and a narrow world view…. It puts up walls.

Case and point. Catholic Bishops in the America just gave themselves the power to deny communion on anyone who is pro-life.

And why…. Because Joe Biden is Catholic, President, and Pro-Choice.

My dad once told me “When I’m asked if it bugs me that you don’t attend church anymore, I tell them that it doesn’t at all. That I believe you (and your siblings) are good, kind, people that I can be proud of. That I think being raised in the Catholic church helped with that.”

This was long after I stopped going to church and well on the way to out and out calling myself an atheist. And for a long time I really liked what my dad said.

But reflecting on it over a decade later, giving any credit to the church is too much and takes away from the amazing people my mom and dad are.

My morals, who I am as an adult is largely in part to how he and my mother raised me, not some narrow minded conservative organization that shelters pedophiles, treats women as second class citizens unable to hold the same positions as men, and holding onto the belief the a woman’s body is no longer her own to make decisions over once she is pregnant – no matter the circumstances that lead to the pregnancy, the current situation or beliefs of the woman, or health/medical factors regarding either fetus or woman.

Open Up the Space

I had this dream last night where I was listening to music through a stereo system outdoors on the lawn. I was trying to play music from my phone through the system using Bluetooth, and while the knobs showed I was connected, no music played.

I started to hear these voices in the air that said “open up the space,” over and over again in an almost sing songy way.

I don’t know what that means or what I needed to do because I woke up right after that. But all morning I have had “open up the space” going through my head.

I must be saying it aloud also because Marceline repeated it.

A collection….

Just a collection of things Marceline believes should be on the top of her bookcase.

Sam has taken to calling Marceline a little magpie lately. It’s pretty appropriate.

Also just a taste out her amazing wall art.