Angelo in Front of the Fireplace
Angelo in Front of the Fireplace
Taken with New Lumix Camera



Holy Cow.

Its 2014.  That’s nuts.  I never thought I’d make it this long.  Really.  My track record was seriously injure myself every 4 years.  I’m way overdue.  I figure my body is just saving it up for one huge injury resulting in massive bed rest or death.  But here I am, bucking the trend I set for myself.

So yeah, I’ve been on break for two weeks and I’m way ready to get back to work.  How sad is that?  I was ready for work Sunday.  After one week off I was ready to go back.  This extra week has been a wash of movies and video games.  Nothing of value (I have read a whole book in this week.  So that counts I suppose).

I’ve also been playing with my new camera.  Sam bought me a Panasonic Lumix DMC-G5 mirrorless camera for Christmas.  Angelo has never had so many pictures of himself taken.  He was a test subject this whole last week.  I put it to good use while home too.

The other thing about this break is the really weird dreams I’ve been having.  No one is in them, but they’ve been about the ocean and beach.  But not a warm summer ocean day, colder weather, fog, not real wildlife or noise, just splashing and walking around in low tide waves.  Its weird.

I’m going to try and get back to fun little posts.  I’ve been slightly conscious because of work of what I post on here, but that doesn’t mean I should hold back or abstain from posting.  I doubt anyone from work sees this anyways, but you never know.

I burst out laughing when I read this short quote in the Christopher Moore book I finished.

“She’s so small, yet she contains so much evil….” ~Fluke

It was late at night and I was tired when I read it.  It may have been funnier then than it is now.