A look back at Resolutions…

Not so resolute apparently.

I met 1 out of 3.  I exercise regularly.   At least a lot more than the year before.

The apartment is cleaner I think.  But that’s hard to quantify.  We clean more maybe.  That could just be because we’re messier.  I don’t know.

I do draw, just not every day like I used to.  I am still trying to keep up to date, but I am drawing once a week or so and do 10 – 20 drawings at a time, still trying to do “a drawing for every day” as opposed to my “a drawing a day.”  Until that time that I am caught up, I can’t go back to that.

But that last falls in line with what I want to do this year, more in the evenings.  Which we started last night.  Despite being tired we worked on a puzzle while watching PBS.  It was amazing last night.  The Abolitionists was a fantastic program (part 1 of 3) and then the Education of Michelle Rhee was extremely interesting.  Very interesting and we got further in our puzzle (which we are not even sure we have all the pieces for it).

It was a good evening and I passed out really quick.  YaY.

A day of cleaning

Sam and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last night. Crazzzzy.

We went to Happy Dog for some awesome vegan hot dogs and tatter tots. We then moseyed down the road to catch Skyfall at the Capitol Theater. And it was good. It started a little slowly I thought but plodded along until it was fantastic.

Today we’ve attacked our office area. It’s the least used room of our apartment (whoa!!! We have a big enough place to have a least used room. That’s pretty awesome). I have done a fecal scrub and the floor is now clear of any of Angelo’s accidents. Being a cat with intestinal issues can’t be easy or comfortable.

We cleaned up the guinea pig cage and are going to completely redo the shape of their cage. We also cleaned out the closet and went to down de-cluttering the room. It’s all good.

Now I’m starving and it’s time for food. Or at least coffee.


Couch Lounging in the Office