Didn’t run

I wanted to run this morning… Well more accurate would be I wanted to want to run.

But at 5:45 Edith did her sit up and search for a cuddle partner. Sam was in the other room (not sure if it was Marceline’s coughing or my snoring that drove her out to get sleep in the other room), so Edith slothed over to me and put her head on my chest and eventually get back asleep.

Combine that with some mild nervousness over going to the oral surgeon this morning to get a tooth pulled (one of my molars root cracked and is infected) and I both didn’t fall back asleep but couldn’t get myself out of bed to run.

I did get out of bed by 6:30, have showered, had morning coffee, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and started folding the never ending pile of laundry before stopping to write this post. So it wasn’t unproductive, just not everything I wanted for this morning.

But morning cuddles, always nice .