Empire Strikes Back

I’ve always had bizarre dreams. I do pretty good remember them.

In the last few weeks they’ve been up and down in strangeness. But my favorite recently has had to do with Star Wars. Specifically Empire Strikes Back.

I had a dream that I wasn’t in Empire Strikes Back, but rather was in the filming of the movie Empire Strikes Back. I don’t think I was Han, Luke, Leila or any of them main characters. Rather, for some reason, the director had decided the most exciting part of Star Wars (A New Hope) was the prison jailbreak scene, and that Empire Strikes Back had to emulate that.

Empire Strikes

I remember standing behind some bars in a make shift jail cell with strange aliens next to me. I had to try and break the bars to escape. I managed to pick the lock with some help and then ran out of the door. Then the director yelled cut. He liked it, but wasn’t sure his movie would get made because…

In the room next to us another version of Empire Strikes Back was being filmed. This was almost ide

ntical to ours, still focused on a jail break. In my place as the main character was someone I worked with. She was absolutely positive their movie would be the one that made it into the theaters.

The movie company wanted two versions filmed simultatneously and would pick the best one to go in the theaters.

I never did get to find out which one made it into the theater. The dream ended with me talking with my co-worker about how they got the whole story of Star Wars wrong and the film should be some epic science fictionmovie, like it was in real life.