Joe Willy Beaver Nut ’15

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We thought the story of the 2015 Joe Willy Beaver Nut would be the drastic weather change over the two days of this tournament of friends.

Playing Frisbee in 80-some odd degree sunny (although windy) weather on Saturday was fantastic.  Matt had slight heat stroke like issues, but otherwise it was fantastic.

Day two was another story.  Low 40 degree temperature.  What could only be described as persistent torrential downpour occur almost non-stop.  The best we got was a few periods of time where it slowed to a slight drizzle, only for the wind to kick up and the rain to start bucketing down on us again.  Of course Mike and I wore shorts.  It wasn’t bad until we stopped moving to grill after the first round.  Then the cold, rain and wind started seeping into my bones.

None of us was particularly enthusiastic about the last 18 holes.  The rain was constant companion by that time and despite stopping to change into dry clothes between Frisbee Golf Courses that day, the dryness only lasted for minutes outside of the car.

We moved along at a good pace, mostly concerned with just finishing the tournament over game play.  Or at least that was my thought.  Then Lisa decided to take out Brian with a Frisbee to the chin.  I’ve take a Frisbee to the back of the head, shoulder, chest, legs, and arms.  But never to the chin.  While not on purpose (she says), his chin opened up and gushed blood quite nicely.

Nine stitches later Brian’s chin was back together in one piece.  He seemed pretty upbeat about the whole ordeal.  A scar on the chin is pretty fantastic.  Every Work Truck has a few scars and scrapes.  Brian is no different.  I’m pretty sure this was Lisa’s way of getting out of the rain.  It was some pin-point accuracy to take Brian out through a tree like that.

The waiting room of the Urgent Care was pretty toasty though.

Frisbee Golf can be Dangerous

Sure it seems like a low impact sport, with little chance of injury, but as I well know any sport played with a frisbee can result in serious injury (I’ve got a titanium plate and 8 screws that can attest to that).

Yesterday at the annual “Joe-Willy-Beaver-Nut” Classic Mike was the injured persona.  A stray disc released by Sean caught Mike unaware with some bloody consequences.

Overall though the day was a success.  I played much better than I expected too, ate lots of chicken, and caught up with old friends.  More pictures of the Joe Willy will be forthcoming.  Day starts in forty minutes.