This has been the longest week ever.
And it started with having to go into work for 5 and half hours on Sunday, which was the nicest day this year so far. Every day since has had its own crisis at work, and that on its own wouldn’t be bad, but coupled with poor sleep from Daylight Savings and I’ve been a tired mess at night.
But for fun lets create a list of plusses from this week:
- I went for a walk on Sunday after work for a few hours. In short sleeves. It was really nice. Got to watch chunks of ice in Lake Erie melt and disappear while I was on my walk. That’s a little unique.
- I exercised several times after taking over a month off to get some motivation back.
- I weighed myself. I weigh in around 171 – 173 on a daily basis. That’s not bad considering I basically gorged on food while not exercising.
- I bought a new sketchbook and am on my way to catching up on drawings.
- The Sabres won.
- I made Blonde Brownies and they are amazing.
- Sam tried the tofu recipe my sister Carrie gave us. It turned out great.
- I spent $122.32 since last weekend. Considering $85 of it was on car insurance, $13.27 was on my sketchbook, and $10 was on gas that is really good. I’ve started tracking what I spend money on with an app on my phone called Next. Its quick and easy. Just what I need.
- I found the bike I want. I just need to got get it. Well not get it but put it on layaway so I can get it soon.
- It was my nephew Wyatt’s birthday yesterday. He’s awesome.
- I haven’t worn a tie (or at least not the right way) all week.
- I have tickets for an event at the Cleveland Natural History Museum tonight for Sam and I.
- It’s Friday.
See. For a long horrible week, a lot good has happened.