Toothbrush Tale

I’ve spent the last two weeks visiting my parents. Not quite the visit we expected. Three days into the trip we were all sick with COVID. Girls got over it pretty well, but it lingered in the adults for a week or so.

However, that second day we ran into a little toothbrush incident.

Sam and I went to Target to get a few things we needed / forgot. We brought a reusable bag that we had used to pack clothes on the way there. So, we kneeled down looking at some clothes for Marceline, and when we picked the bag back up off the ground, we saw Marceline’s toothbrush on the ground.

We knew it was hers because Marceline’s toothbrush is a red toothbrush, that lights up, and has a 1-minute timer.

We picked it up from the ground, brought it home, rinsed it off under some hot hot water and blammo, Marceline was brushing her teeth that night.

Except, a day later we found a red toothbrush, that lights up, and has a 1-minute timer among our bags waiting to be unpacked.

Soooooo…. we just had our daughter brush her teeth with a random toothbrush.

But in our defense, what was the odds that the exact toothbrush that Marceline had would be on the floor of a Target, right where we had dropped our bag on the ground to do some shopping?

Anyways, we had her brush her teeth with a backup toothbrush we had brought for the rest of the trip.