Lyrically Tired

I find it amazing when I am exhausted that a song can pop into my head and get stuck there.  Yesterday was a long day.  From the moment I got up to the moment I went to sleep it felt like one thing after another.  About half way through the day I just wanted to lay down, and as I started item number 6,000 on my to do list, the song Andy You’re A Star popped into my head.  Now I haven’t listened to the Killers in three or four months.  I did hear a little bit of Brandon Flowers solo album when Reg played a song last weekend, but that’s the closest I’ve come to listening to the Killers.  Just having something taking up a small sliver of my brain to distract and relax me helps with long days.

Anyways, you can listen to the song here.

Musical Kick in the Pants

So I had what I refer to as a musical kick in the pants today.  Its when an old band that you used to love comes flying back in your life for now reason.  Or for a specific reason.

Today Sarah and I were sitting around and doing our thing (she editting photos, me nerding on the computer – nerding is now a recongnized verb in our apartment) and she asks me to put on some Pixies because she wasn’t familiar with them.  So I throw on Death to the Pixies and proceed to find myself singing and humming along with every song.  It is ridiculouls how I know the lyrics to so many songs. Nice useless information.  I love it.

So yeah, I describe as a musical kick to the pants.  Bringing me back to my musical roots.  God I love the Pixies, where have you been in the last year.