It could happen here…

Happy July 4 Everyone.

With that, I just finished listening to a podcast called It Could Happen Here.

The whole podcast compares American politics, partisonship, and division to recent civil wars around the world and tries to imagine how a new American Civil War could start.

Throughout the podcast the host discusses his experiences visiting countries in the midst of civil wars, what the general population day to day experiences are like, and the outcome of those conflicts.

He gives a really in depth reasons for why a new American Civil War is not something far fetched, and talks to experts in the military about how the military would deal these issues. Unsurprisingly, the military already has plans for this.

It is a fantastic, if not scary podcast. No matter where you live, after listening to this it is not hard to imagine how life would be during a new civil war.

Good listen and I couldn’t suggest it more.

It Could Happen Here Podcast