Robot Kisses

I hate shaving.

I mean really dislike shaving a lot.  As it is I only shave once every two weeks or so.  Even that I hate.  I’ve been contemplating this year about getting a safety razor, but then I realized that it would only mean spending more time shaving when I shaved.

So I decided to get an electric razor.  I haven’t bought one in just under a decade.  It’s old and doesn’t hold a charge.  It doesn’t shave well anymore and i’m not really interesting in buying a new blade for it.

So in my research I’ve found one electric razor that got high marks over and over again.  Gizmodo said it was like removing hair with robot kisses.  That sounds like the razor I want to use.

Use for less than 30 seconds a day.  Cause that’s how much facial hair I grow daily.

So I’m going with the Philips Norelco SensoTouch 3D.  I found a pretty good deal on it too.

Let’s hope its removing facial hair with robot kisses for me too.

