
So Sam and I used the idea of having guests over for the Super Bowl to clean the apartment.  We had one almost positive guest, a bunch of maybe, and two “I might show late.”


MantleWe scrubbed and cleaned our apartment like nothing before.  Which was fun and tiring and at the same very needed.  Apartment looks great.  We even bought a plant!!! And some pieces for our mantle.  We also hung pictures up using some awesome velcro strip!!  One fell down a few times before sticking, but with an extra strip added it looks nice now. We added a picture of our friend Jason, Danei and the awesome son Harvey to our wall as well.  We are working on a family and friends wall somewhere else in the apartment right, but this was in the middle of the living, where we were quasi expecting people.


Picture Wall

After a slew of cleaning we set to work cooking.  Like last year this was an excuse to bake.  We tried a modified soft pretzel recipe, our go to pizza recipe, a salsa recipe, chili, buffalo dip, and homemade perogies made three different ways.  Ya, we went that nuts in our baking.  It was a full on six hours of cooking on and off.


We knew early on it wasn’t going to a full house.  Some people I never heard back from, some people cancelled and then the Sabres lost their game.  That was like icing on the cake and a predictor of people showing up.  I’m certain if they won people would have come over in droves.

Regardless, food was great.  There was a power outage at the game, and San Francisco almost won.  And we had a good night.  Although that extra half hour of sleep I didn’t get because of the power outage has left me tired this morning.  Nothing unusual, but Friday my coffee shipment came in at work so I’m stocked and will be well caffeinated to get through the day.

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