One Tooth Less

Another morning where I hoped to run but didn’t. Not the best start to the week. Morning exercise takes several days in a row to get used to, but is ridiculously easy to fall out of, at least for me.

This morning’s excuses ran from my jaw was sore, Marceline was up multiple times last night – including almost an hour at 3am, bedtime lasted hours last night, all the way to tomorrow morning will be easier.

Sigh. Those are all horrible excuses. I enjoy running and it shouldn’t be this hard to do it regularly.

Interestingly, aside from being sore, and feeling really weird, my lack of tooth doesn’t hurt. Similarly to how I remember my jaw feeling after getting my wisdom teeth out 20 years ago. Nice to know my pain tolerances haven’t changed much.

The Good – Thursday August 27

Yesterday I noticed some blood coming from Marceline’s mouth while we were reading books. Stuck a finger in her mouth to inspect her teeth (which by the way… ew), and her molar on the upper right side had burst through her gums. I’d been able to feel it under her gums for a few weeks, but it was there fully through – which Marceline promptly let me know by chomping down on my finger.

As far as reasons to bleeding from the mouth, that is pretty innocent.

But I am pretty sure that is also why she woke up at 5am this morning and didn’t feel like going back to sleep.

Totally stole this image from the Columbus Dispatch

Oh, and the Cuyahoga River is on fire again. The 14th time! This time it is from a car accident that resulted in an oil tanker spill. And thankfully is much smaller than the larger garbage, trash and pollution fires of the past. Still kind of funny and sad that a river is on fire.

Marceline and I ate breakfast outside today. I think we will try to do this more often. The biggest difficultly is getting outside with Marceline and the breakfast without the cats joining us. They like to try and go outside even though 3 out of 4 of them are scared of being out of the house. They other one will go outside and immediately bolt for anything he finds interesting.

Marceline enjoyed it mostly for the three dogs across that were playing in the yard across the street. I enjoyed it for the quietness and ability to drink my coffee outside.

WCLV has been calming on what already feels like a long morning. I absolutely love that Cleveland has a classical radio station.

Today’s list:

  • Buy cat litter (didn’t leave the house yesterday)
  • Clean Marceline’s room (didn’t happen yesterday)
  • Hydrate (I drank way more coffee than water yesterday)
  • Put away laundry
  • Vacuum, sweep and mop kitchen and living room
  • Mow backyard?
  • Organize downstairs bar*
  • Dinner plan – Corn on the Cob, peas, chicken breast, garlic bread?

*the bar is a holdover from the previous owners. We use it as a tv/entertainment stand.