Reoccurring Dream

I have this reoccurring dream.

Maybe once a month. Maybe every other month.

I wouldn’t call it frequent. Often. Occasionally.

It is not always the same but always involves the same thing.

In the dream my fingers ache and I try stretching them. I find I can stretch all of my fingers but the thumb on my left hand. It is stuck in a thumbs up position, but so far arched back that it hurts.

In my dream I can’t bend it back. Like the knuckle needs to crack and just won’t so it is stuck. It’s painful because it is stretched so much. I eventually take my right hand and use to force my thumb to bend and everything is normal again except for my thumb being sore.

It remains sore when I wake up as well. I’m not sure if I’m acting out my dream, that it is so arched in my dream that in real life in my sleep it is arched.

And I have the memory of it being painful. If I focus on my thumb while I wake I remember how painful it felt while asleep.

Weird dream. And weirder that I’ve had every so often for a few years now. I always forget about it after a few days, and then recall having it when it happens again.

Time to forget again.

No Sun

I love my dreams.  They are just bizarre, but all have a narrative of some sort.

So in my dream last night Sam and I were in my parents house.  We were staying in the basement and went upstairs when I saw that the sky was just dark.  It was the middle of the day and dark as night outside.

02202011AJCStepping out on the porch I could see stars and clouds and animals, just not the sun.  It was like a clear summer night outside.  I was freaking out because there was sun and it was the middle of the day.  Sam on the other hand didn’t see the big deal.  It was just something that happened, and she was sure the sun would be back tomorrow.

Just then I realized it was a school day, and I hadn’t cancelled work.  But at the same time, it was near noon and I hadn’t had an e-mail, text, or phone call about not being at school.  I kept trying to type ‘’ into my phone to check school closings, but was unable to type Cleveland correctly. I seemed to recall in that the weather was supposed to be very cold (below zero) and that school should have been closed anyways, but I couldn’t remember closing the school.  After several unsuccessful attempts to type in Cleveland I woke up.


When I woke I still thought I had forgotten to cancel school and needed.  It took a few minutes for me to completely come to my senses and realize it was all a dream.

Another Dream

Space BoyI love my dreams. They are weird, vivid, and usually have a storyline that runs through them.

Sam says her dreams are never as coherent as mine. When I was in middle school I used to try and tell myself what I wanted to dream about as I was falling asleep. I do recall it worked sometimes. Just a random experiment.

So last night, I had this dream that I was an astronaut on the first mission to the moon. Not NASA – Neil Armstrong mission to the moon, but something different. We were in a big, huge, massive auditorium. Pack with people, press and all the equipment for the mission to the moon. We were launching from right there on stage.

Everything in the dream was modern too. This wasn’t a 1960’s dream, it was modern day.

In the auditorium the lights were down. The rest of the crew and I were laughing and talking with all the fans and press about how great this was. There were four of us going on this mission. We were treating it lightly even though everyone kept saying how historic it was. As lift off was closing in, we all went our separate ways to get prepared. I kept looking for my spacesuit and couldn’t find it. The rest of the crew were all dressed up in their clear bubble headed spacesuits and ready for lift off. I was the only one not prepared.

I ran around the dressing room searching for my spacesuit. I tore clothes off racks, ripped through drawers that were way to small to fit the suit, and was screaming at the top of my lungs. Someone told me it could be in the coat rack and I ran to the back of the auditorium, a spot light following me the whole way, but my suit wasn’t there. I eventually accepted that the mission had to go one without me. That everyone else was ready, I was preventing launch and had to just give up, which I did.

I didn’t watch the launch. I went back to my dressing room and collapsed on the bed in there arms splayed out to my sides exhausted. All I was saying was “Someone hide it” while really thinking I just wasn’t ready for it. Didn’t prepare for launch the right way. Everyone else was ready way before me and I took it too lightly. That’s why I wasn’t on the launch. It was my fault.

Someone came in to fight me. Really. This was part of my dream. Someone came in the dressing room wanting to fight me. One of the launch crew on the ground said “You really don’t want to fight with him right now. He’s pretty mad,” and I was. I was mad and angry and blaming myself for not being on the something as historic as the first mission to the moon.


And that’s how I woke up. Not sure how, why, or where this dream came from but there it is. A solid tale of randomness and fiction that my brain created to entertain me last night.

A little bit of this

08292011AJCI go throw these streaks where I have pretty vivid dreams for a month or so and then they stop.  So last night I had a pretty vivid dream, and being that all I did yesterday was work, buy new shoes, and watch the Sabres lose… well a vivid dream is a lot more interesting to write about than any of those.

It begins with me stealing something from a skyscraper.  Not just any skyscraper, but one of the World Trade Center Towers. Only its after it had fallen down, but was intake.  No rubble, no broken windows, nothing.  Its like someone had grabbed it, snapped off the top 20 floors and laid it on its side.  However, despite it being on its side gravity inside the building worked as normal.  I knew it was on its side, but I still walked down stair cases, jumped railings, and even used a fire pole inside the building to get out.

And I walked out the bottom into a rocky landscape.  My whole family was there, but it was when I was a teenager.  It was some rocky British coastline beach.  There were all the dragonfly looking bugs.  When they landed on you they didn’t bite you, but burrowed under your skin.  I looked at my arm and saw the impression of a whole bunch of bugs there.  I pinched the impression of a bug and had to rip it out from under my skin.  It didn’t hurt, but was kind of bloody.  I didn’t think much of it.

The beach had a shallow wading pool in it.  Just an area where fish were getting trapped.  I sat by it watching them swim around until I realized the water level had rose and some were nibbling my toes.  At this point someone on the beach had just realized that the bugs had burrowed themselves into peoples arms and started screaming.  I tried to tell people it wasn’t a big deal but, understandable, people where freaked out.

That’s when I woke up. I never did figure out what I was stealing.  The whole thing looked a little dystopian with the broken skyscraper in the background the whole time.  Weird…  But interesting at least.

Another Weird Dream

It started in the car with Pat driving to a concert in Kent.

I told him about a really good taco place right around the corner while we were at a red light

Pat’s car was a really old beater. He said watch this and stalled it on purpose. I didn’t think it would start again but then he turned on the windshield wipers and it started (after not starting before). He said it had something to do with the wipers being directly hooked up to the battery. It was his uncles car and he had messed with it a lot.

We drove past the taco place to the concert hall. Inside we met Sean and Al (maybe Al, maybe Dan, maybe Andy… kept changing). I was going to buy tickets for Pat and I (since Pat drove) but then Sean went to buy tickets, stepping in front of me. I was about to protest but Pat said “let him buy tickets, he’s the one who makes lots of money.” But he only bought three. Apparently he forgot about Al/Dan/Andy.

When he turned back to buy another ticket the guy at the ticket window said alright one for the other show. Sean said no, the same show we were going to, and he said “I’m sorry we have to support local musicians and therefore this ticket is for the other show.” Sean got a little mad and said no, we needed four tickets for this show, he didn’t care about the other band.

The guy in the ticket window eventually caved but told us that they got to take a bigger percentage of our money because we were going to the big show and not the local band. While they were arguing I was flipping through the play bill which came with our tickets.

Inside there was seating all around and an open space up front. Sean and Al/Dan/Andy went up a few rows and sat but Pat insisted that we sit towards the back. Some lady leaned between us and said man these seats are small.

There were people performing some sort of short movie up front on stage as a pre band thingie. They were acting out the movie being shown behind him (like rocky horror picture). It was the music video of the band we were going to see. Something about tearing down the walls. When it got to the crescendo a lot of people in the audience got up and tried to rip down the walls. It was similar to a movie theater where there was flowing fabric over the walls and they were tearing it down. I’ll admit there was a lot “white trashy” looking people in the audience doing this.

Pat, Sean, Al/Dan/Andy and myself weren’t participating. The whole thing ended when some lady thought it would be a good idea to toss her one year old up on the wall hoping he would grab some fabric and yank it down. Instead it landed upside down on its head and she looked embarrassed. The kid was ok though.

The next show that went on included three kids (I say kids as in elementary school kids). One (girl) was sitting at a table. The other was setting the table and the third was walking around in the background, showing his ass crack, and displaying a horrible wet bottom that looked like he had crapped himself and it was seeping through his pants. While this was being acted out the movie of it was playing in the background too.


And then I woke up. Messed up.

Empire Strikes Back

I’ve always had bizarre dreams. I do pretty good remember them.

In the last few weeks they’ve been up and down in strangeness. But my favorite recently has had to do with Star Wars. Specifically Empire Strikes Back.

I had a dream that I wasn’t in Empire Strikes Back, but rather was in the filming of the movie Empire Strikes Back. I don’t think I was Han, Luke, Leila or any of them main characters. Rather, for some reason, the director had decided the most exciting part of Star Wars (A New Hope) was the prison jailbreak scene, and that Empire Strikes Back had to emulate that.

Empire Strikes

I remember standing behind some bars in a make shift jail cell with strange aliens next to me. I had to try and break the bars to escape. I managed to pick the lock with some help and then ran out of the door. Then the director yelled cut. He liked it, but wasn’t sure his movie would get made because…

In the room next to us another version of Empire Strikes Back was being filmed. This was almost ide

ntical to ours, still focused on a jail break. In my place as the main character was someone I worked with. She was absolutely positive their movie would be the one that made it into the theaters.

The movie company wanted two versions filmed simultatneously and would pick the best one to go in the theaters.

I never did get to find out which one made it into the theater. The dream ended with me talking with my co-worker about how they got the whole story of Star Wars wrong and the film should be some epic science fictionmovie, like it was in real life.