Cats and Christmas

Helping me wrap (badly) Sam’s presents.

Our cats love Christmas.

Not because they get lots of Christmas presents, although my mother got them their own stocking for this year. They also got several more springs for them to play with, the only toy they seem to play with lately.

They like anything new, and our Christmas tree is new to them. Never mind that both of them were around for Christmas last year. It’s new, and screams interest to them. Just look where their interest lay in this picture.

The tree is way more interesting than we are.
(yes. Sam is pregnant.)

I think it is because year after year I insist on a real tree, even if it a small one.

This one is our first tree in many years that isn’t a potted tree, rather a small cut one that has a water reservoir instead of soil.

The water reservoir, more than the ornaments, the felt objects or bouncy branches, is what our cats love and visit several times a day.

Better than their water dish or water fountain in the basement.

They both take turns drinking out of the tree water. To the point that I have to refill the water often. Clue, or Little Bit, the cat drinking in the picture above, will drink and splash in the water reservoir.

It make me really want the tree to stay longer, although I know it should go out around this time. They by far want to drink that water over their water fountain in the basement or water dish upstairs.

I’m pretty sure when I take the tree out I’m going to ruin their lives more than our soon to be child will.

No Rain

Guess who woke up to no water in his apartment.  Not going to be able to shower before work today.

Although that beats yesterday when I woke up to the ceiling falling in.  The apartment above us has a leak somewhere (probably in their radiator judging by where the leak is) and I definitely found a couple chunks of ceiling plaster on the floor.