Damn you rain…


Looking at the weather last night I knew there was no way I could bike to work today.  It was raining pretty good when I got up.  Thirty minutes later its passed and fine now, but I would have had to bike through that rain and that’s not an option when biking to work.  There aren’t showers at work, and odds are the work clothes I’d bring in my bag would be pretty soaked.

So I’ve put off biking to work until Wednesday.  Wednesday looks like the better day right now. Tuesday looks great too…. but there are OAA’s on Tuesday and its better to not add any stress to that day.  There will also be a meeting after school that may be later than expected.  So Wednesday.  All the same… it should be a great week for biking.  It’s supposed to dry out over the afternoon, high of 63.  Tomorrow no rain and high of 73.  Wednesday no rain and high of 74.  Beyond that, its spring in Ohio and predicting weather out past tomorrow is sketchy, much less 3 days out.

I did get a 30 mile ride in Saturday.  It felt great.  Could have been longer.  I honestly felt great.  However this has been a windy year.  I have no clue why, but there is constant wind.  I don’t remember it from my rides last year.  And I biked away from the lake on my 30 mile ride, but as soon as I turned around there was a constant headwind of 10 – 15 mph.  It was bizarre and frustrating, especially considering how the ride back is subtle uphill and a few big hills.  Headwind makes those bigger hills just unbearable.

But whatever, it still feels good biking.  And no one passed me.  Cause I don’t ever want anyone to pass me when I bike.  I’m a little bit ego centric like that.


Curse you Monday.  Bane of my life.

Anyways I pulled myself out of bed, much unwillingly.  I’m sore and tired but moving.  Coffee is made and lunch packed and I’m ready to go.

Soooo, lets do some weekend highlights.

Went to a baby shower for my friend Jason and Danei (and soon to be Harvey).  It was nice, and slightly fun.  Although I felt a little awkward when we played ‘Baby Pictionary’ and somehow I pulled the card that said “Breast Pump.”  I looked around and saw some little children and cursed under my breath before drawing a well endowed stick figure with a ‘pump type thing’ coming off her upper body.  People got it.

The rest of Saturday was spent lounging.  I honestly don’t feel 100%.  I don’t feel sick either, just a running nose and sore.  Hoping it will go away soon.

Sunday Sam and I hit up the Coffee Pot.  We have reached regular status.  That means they automatically bring us coffee and water when we sit down, ask if we need menus and are able to complete our regular orders when we leave some thing out.  It rocks.

We then went to Chuppa’s Market for some Market shopping.  Nothing fancy, but is always a fun place to go when you can’t make it to the West Side Market.  Nice to walk around and see all the neat food stuffs you can find nowhere else.

Reggie called.  And of course canceled on coming out for Thanksgiving.  I know I shouldn’t be surprised.  We (friends who know Reggie)  joke that there is only a 20% chance Reggie will ever follow on his plans to visit, but it is a let down.  I was really looking forward to him coming out for a few days, seeing the place, and just hanging out.

I understand he’s crazy (he is), but sometimes he can’t see whats in his best interest (aka getting away from Queensbury and doing something).  I always get my hopes up that he’s coming out, only to be let down later on.  I’ll see him around Christmas.  I’ll just throw this on the list of times he was going to do something, and backed out.

The rest of night Sunday I did work (yeah… actually brought work home with me) and doodled.  It was a nice relaxing Sunday.

A full weekend

My Friday went something like this:

5:30am – Wake Up
6:25am – Leave for work
6:55am – Arrive at work
8:55pm – Leave Work
9:20pm – Arrive at home – Relax at home with Sam and watching some tv, pass out around midnight

There for I spent my weekend trying to relax in every possible way.  Natural History Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art, Horror Movies and relaxing on the couch, eating at Benihana’s (Japanese Hibachi Grill), some indulgence shopping at World Market (strange junk food heaven), and browsing at Half-Priced Books.

A Good Weekend

How do you judge a good weekend?

By what you accomplish of course.

And while Sam and I may not have “done much”…. we accomplished a lot.

Starting with Friday and seeing our new apartment.  Its nice.  We won’t be moving til August now (hopefully) but it is a sweet apartment.  Looking forward to the move.  We then went out to eat, nothing fancy… just pizza, fish fry for Sam and some drinks.  We were doing a low level celebration of Sam’s four months of not smoking.

We ended the night with episodes of House (Sam’s new addiction).  Saturday we cleaned.  We packed up books and boxes and organized.  Brought out three bags of trash, just crap to get rid off.  We then took close to 30 books to Half Priced Books to get some money back on them (not a lot granted, but some).  Did laundry (or maybe that was Friday).  Ate at Buffalo Wild Wings and did a little trivia (we didn’t bother with the controller, just tried to answer them ourselves). And ended the night watching Enter the Dragon.

Today, Sunday, we cleaned the bedroom of Gingerness – aka guinea pig mess (wait…. that was Saturday).  But we let Ginger run around with a new layout in the bedroom.  We relaxed (I played video games and Sam nerded on the internet for a bit).  We drank coffee.  We went to Target and to Giant Eagle grocery shopping.  We swept the kitchen.  We made veggie tacos for dinner… well late lunch (using Morning Star Crumbles… quite tasty).  We watched Torchwood – Season 4 – Children of Earth.  Its only five episodes long, but was good.  Nice to watch back to back.  I chatted up with Reg and Pat.  I scanned in Daily Drawings from November, December, January and February.  I watched Kingdom of Heaven (Director’s Cut) while scanning.

If that’s not a good, full, productive weekend, I’m not sure what is.  There was lots of down time, but we did a lot, even if we didn’t go out places.

Tomorrow I fix my bike.  Maybe I’ll grill as well.  Maybe I’ll scan more drawings.  We’ll see.