
Or Lack Of.

Cause yesterday was not a motivation building day.

Got home after 7pm last night from work.  The big parent meeting I planned for our school, well it was a good important meeting, but it was a good important meeting that had very little impact on a school wide basis due to turnout.  Welcome to education AJ.

So I came home tired… and my general rule of “If I am out of the house for twelve hours or more during the work day I won’t exercise,” held true; even if I wanted to get back to it this week.

Instead I planned on walking through the door, putting some tv on and drawing.

Instead of that I walked through the door and cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes and picked up the living room.  It’s pretty much the same thing as I planned…. right?

The whole time cleaning up I thought, ‘I can do this now and then collapse on the couch with Sam and eat some dinner and zone out to some Lost.”  It had been a long day, and that seemed like the perfect way to end it.

Instead (see all these insteads) minor crisis meant helping Sam for several hours.

Crawled into bed around 11:30, completely asleep by midnight.

5 – 6 hours of sleep multiple nights in a row.


Long hours at work all this week


Losing Sabres team


Angelo Poo on the carpet

NO.  Yay.  His poo swings are devastating when he decides to go all carpet on me.  But today, today he hit the litter box.  That’s a big plus.

So motivation to myself moving this morning is a little rough.  That shining spot of Angelo’s keenly placed poo isn’t enough to get me all excited for the day.  So I’ll head to work and make it through the day like I do every day.

Tonight, hopefully I’ll be home at a semi-normal hour.  Exercise.  Make a dinner (Rice, chicken, veggies?).  Watch the Sabres.  Come away excited that they won huge. Scoop hopefully well place Angelo poo.  Maybe take a bath.  Get in bed before 11.

That’s the plan.  Lets hope it works and doesn’t involve ‘instead’.

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