No Sun

I love my dreams.  They are just bizarre, but all have a narrative of some sort.

So in my dream last night Sam and I were in my parents house.  We were staying in the basement and went upstairs when I saw that the sky was just dark.  It was the middle of the day and dark as night outside.

02202011AJCStepping out on the porch I could see stars and clouds and animals, just not the sun.  It was like a clear summer night outside.  I was freaking out because there was sun and it was the middle of the day.  Sam on the other hand didn’t see the big deal.  It was just something that happened, and she was sure the sun would be back tomorrow.

Just then I realized it was a school day, and I hadn’t cancelled work.  But at the same time, it was near noon and I hadn’t had an e-mail, text, or phone call about not being at school.  I kept trying to type ‘’ into my phone to check school closings, but was unable to type Cleveland correctly. I seemed to recall in that the weather was supposed to be very cold (below zero) and that school should have been closed anyways, but I couldn’t remember closing the school.  After several unsuccessful attempts to type in Cleveland I woke up.


When I woke I still thought I had forgotten to cancel school and needed.  It took a few minutes for me to completely come to my senses and realize it was all a dream.

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