Marraige: Same Sex or Otherwise

Sooo disappointed in North Carolina right now. How do people defend that vote as anything other than discrimination. It really is disappointing.

In my logical head I see this as a non-issue, only a non-issue in the sense that ten years down the line I don’t think it will be an issue. It will be a norm accepted everywhere. But right I just feel sad and disappointed.

Sam and I were talking about it and I think that marriage should be stuck from legal speak everywhere. If the defenders are saying marriage is a sacred institution that God (with a capital G) needs defended and defined as between a Man and Woman, then it shouldn’t be a term the government uses.

Let every couple be defined as a civil union. Instead of letting both Man and Woman and Same Sex couples be defined as civil unions, not marriages in the governments eyes and terminology. Let bigots and honest god fearing religious conservatives that want to keep the rights they enjoy from other people different from them (a very religiously and Jesus like thing to do I sure) be brought down to the civil union status. They can keep marriage as a non-legal word that carries no weight in court, with regard to benefits, and in the eyes of any elected or governmental person or institution. It’s theirs, but has no legal weight at all.

There you go. No more conflict. Go to your priest, pastor, cleric, imam, prophet, or whatever religious leader you want declare you married, and then go down to city hall or whatever governmental institution and get your Civil Union license. Bam.

On your taxes it says Civil Union, not married. During the census, Civil Union. For everyone.

How great would that be? All those couples that voted against Same Sex Marriage, no problem, the government does’t recognize your marriage either, but your civil union, you got it. No more bitching. Not taking away any rights, just changing terminology. They do it with taxes all the time.

Just my two cents.

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