A Day Off…

I’ve forgotten what a day off feels like. Not the weekend. Weekends are recovery. This is a strict day off. Nothing to it. I’ve done only what i felt like. Nothing crucial. And it rocks. And leads to me to write about things I’ve intended to blog about for a while… like:

Band-aids. Hate them. Don’t even believe in them. Give me some athletic tape any day of the week. I mean come on, band-aids fall off at the slightest bend, athletic tape… that will stay on. You can even use it to brace sprains (and I have). It works wonders. Also, looks better than a band-aid any day of the week.

Work. You know what, I have nothing bad to say about work. I work a shit-ton of hours, but still wake up every morning and look forward to going to work. Even on the most stressful of days (and I have stressful days like you would not believe) I still enjoy coming to work. I like who I work with, what I do and where I work. If you don’t, well, I hope someday you find yourself in a place you enjoy coming to work like I do.

Drawing. So my sister asked for a drawing of mine for Christmas. I’m inclined to either a) scan it in (on my awesome scanner… thanks to last year Christmas) and have it blown up onto a canvas or b) work towards a larger drawing done by hand on a big piece of paper and framed. Thats not the dillema though. She asked for a neutral or happy one, which led me to thinking, are all my drawings depressing. I recently asked my friend Pat that and he said they were “mellow.” Hmmm…. I know last year, as opposed to this year, I was more depressed than I had been in a while. But even this year’s drawings seem to have that mellow tone to them that Pat described. I think it stems from the music I listen to. I’m a big lyric person, so even if its upbeat music, I focus in on what the lyrics are and go from there with my drawings. I can see that influence on my drawings.

Bunion. Ow.

Gammo. I’m getting attached to that stupid ferret. Although I did purchase her for Sarah, I’ve been her solo owner for a while. I got an e-mail from Sarah yesterday saying that she would be getting her own apartment in 3 – 4 months time and was looking forward to getting Gammo back then; and I did say she could have Gammo when she got her own place back when we broke up. It’s just been a while since I’ve heard from Sarah or thought about not having Gammo. Makes me wonder about getting a replacement pet when Sarah moves and takes Gammo. Even more so than me, Oscar (one of my cats) seems to love Gammo. They play and entertain each other every night. I don’t know if another ferret would be the same, or even if Oscar would take to another ferret like he did Gammo, but if it keeps Oscar from being as attention crazy and scratching up my furniture like her used to it’d be worth getting another ferret. I don’t know. And its still a long ways away anyway.

Sam. For the last two weeks I’ve been hanging out with Sam on a regular basis. We get along pretty well. Plus she lives in Tremont of which I’ve had little chance to explore since moving to Cleveland. (Is it me or do I look fat in pictures? I swear I’m not.)

Wine. Seriously Mim, I want some new wine to try. Just a little hint. You rock. I’ll be seeing you soon for Christmas and then later in the Spring when I come visit.

Christmas. I’m 31. I don’t really feel the need to create a Christmas list this year. To be honest I haven’t in a long while. Its not that I don’t like getting gifts. Its just that, well I’m 31. When does Christmas stop being about giving gifts. I’m not sure how it is for everyone reading this, but I don’t see my family often. Most of my family I see twice a year. And you know what, I enjoy it. It makes every time I see them important. Its not a casual family dynamic, seeing relatives (siblings, parents, nieces and nephews) is a special event. We get together in July for a family vacation and all we do is lounge and enjoy each other’s company. Why is Christmas an event where its about giving gifts. It almost takes away from the fact that we’re there to enjoy just getting together. No offense to my brothers and sisters, but I’d rather spend a gazillion dollars on my nieces and nephews than I would on you. But that’s because, I don’t know, they’re young, and I feel they might appreciate it more. And that the idea of family is that it progresses. And Wyatt, Rider, and Takara are the progression of our family right now. But I’ve been told its too late this year. I need to make a Christmas list of some sort. And I suppose that means I need to shop for everyone in my family.

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