A smashing New Year

2011 came in a decent way.  Sam and I headed over to her friends for a small gathering.  It wasn’t the most interesting gathering I’ve ever been at, but they did have some good homemade food that was pretty tasty (But really, no games, no things set up, just sort of sitting, and talking…. although they have just moved in).

However the smashing-ness of the evening didn’t come until later.  Sam and I left at 12:40 and walked out to her car in front of the house.  Out there we noticed her trunk was open, and in our optimism of the new year we figured we must have hit the button accidentally, or something to that sort.  We didn’t laugh about it, but did nonchalantly brush off the seriousness of it, until of course we walked around the driver side and saw her window was smashed.  Her car was a mess, everything had been gone through and tossed about.  Thankfully nothing was taken, but glass was everywhere and the 2011 suddenly took a turn for a worse.  Three cars on the street had been broken into.  The police, since it was New Year’s Eve, were obviously busy with other things, and I’m pretty sure they  couldn’t have done anything at all anyways.

So if 2011 starts on a low note, it has nowhere to go but up.  At least that’s what we decided.  So it was a smashing New Year’s Eve, that will hopefully lead to a fantastic whole year.

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