
I can fall asleep anywhere.  It’s impressive when you think about it.

I’ve fallen asleep in church (not that impressive).

In a moving car (some people can’t).

Standing Up.

When someone is talking to me (again, not that impressive).

Immersed in back and forth conversation with someone.

Mid-sentence. (that one surprises even me)

While getting a haircut (that was yesterday).

While getting stitches in my chin (that one surprised the doctor putting the stitches in, it was a first for him).

I even have those quick dreams that make quasi sense, building off of what I was just doing.  I had a dream once while I was laying on the floor talking a friend.  I just sort of stopped talking (fell asleep mid-sentence) and had the “walking off a cliff dream” where I was walking and then shook myself awake because in my dream the floor was yanked out from under me and I started falling.

Its not narcolepsy.  I’m just that awesome when it comes to sleeping.



Whole Bunch of Junk

Cleveland (and Ohio as a whole) has to have the worst drivers.  Statistically I’m sure its a fact.  They’re bad.  Really bad.  I may live in Cleveland, but grew up driving somewhere else, which allows me to set myself apart.  But Ohio, you do driving wrong.


I had a dream about watching my father drive when he was young (in his 20’s).  He was skinny and drove a car that made a loud “WUGA WUGA WUGA” noise when it was started.  We were good friends and it wasn’t strange even though we knew I was his son.  I helped him daily push start his crappy old car.  Weird.


Tea then Coffee?  I’ve started drinking tea in the morning, and coffee throughout the work day.  Don’t know why, but its a slight change.

Lazy.  I’ve mentioned my lack of motivation to exercise.  So this morning I stepped on the scale and sort of looked through my fingers at the LCD expected it to just say fat.  Instead it said 174.  Basically 4 pounds off of where I was mid-exercise craze. I hovered around 170 at my low last year. I’m ok with that.

Sabres are playing today.  Woooooooooooooo o o o….

Excitement around Sabres games has gone so far downhill.  Let’s hope the win tonight to get me excited again.  Damn you Buffalo sports teams.

Empire Strikes Back

I’ve always had bizarre dreams. I do pretty good remember them.

In the last few weeks they’ve been up and down in strangeness. But my favorite recently has had to do with Star Wars. Specifically Empire Strikes Back.

I had a dream that I wasn’t in Empire Strikes Back, but rather was in the filming of the movie Empire Strikes Back. I don’t think I was Han, Luke, Leila or any of them main characters. Rather, for some reason, the director had decided the most exciting part of Star Wars (A New Hope) was the prison jailbreak scene, and that Empire Strikes Back had to emulate that.

Empire Strikes

I remember standing behind some bars in a make shift jail cell with strange aliens next to me. I had to try and break the bars to escape. I managed to pick the lock with some help and then ran out of the door. Then the director yelled cut. He liked it, but wasn’t sure his movie would get made because…

In the room next to us another version of Empire Strikes Back was being filmed. This was almost ide

ntical to ours, still focused on a jail break. In my place as the main character was someone I worked with. She was absolutely positive their movie would be the one that made it into the theaters.

The movie company wanted two versions filmed simultatneously and would pick the best one to go in the theaters.

I never did get to find out which one made it into the theater. The dream ended with me talking with my co-worker about how they got the whole story of Star Wars wrong and the film should be some epic science fictionmovie, like it was in real life.

Sam’s Strawberry and my odd Dreams

Yesterday Sam went over to Danei’s house for some felt crafting while Jason and I worked.  They made felt food’s for Harvey to play with.  Naturally Sam was amazing at it (she used to make felt dolls in the past).  Her strawberry, it came out pretty awesome.

Felt Strawberry Awesomeness
Felt Strawberry Awesomeness

After that we got some tacos from Taco Tontos.  Taco Tontos is Sam’s favorite restaurant from college in Kent.  It would basically be like Mighty Taco or Jim’s Steak Out opening a franchise here (please… please open a franchise here).   So we got to relive her college days by going to the newly opened Taco Tonto’s in Lakewood.  It was fantastic.  Sam had a sweet potato burrito and I have a chicken one.  Nice, super filling meal.

Of course I feel like Taco Tonto’s helped with my strange dream.  I had some dream where I was with two other people in some mountain monestary.  The chick in our group (reminded me of Lela from Futurama) was beating up monks.  She beat one up and then found a rope dangling down next to him.

She said “Remember what that other dead monk said, ‘the bells rings nine times for heaven.'”  She pulled on the rope once and a door in the wall opened.  At this point I realized the guy with us was Kevin (from high school and Hawaii wedding fame).  There was a gas generator at the top of the stairs and I light it.

We went down the stairs and came to a huge bomb shelter with super long hallways.  One shelf was filled with just guns.  I knew there would be trouble so I picked up a sawed off rifle.  Unfortunately it was empty and I couldn’t find bullets.  As we walked There massive stockpiles of weapons and food.  All freshly kept up.  We were a long way from the stairs when we heard a group of people behind us.  Whomever they were…. we started running.  I wanted to fire my gun, but remembered there were no bullets, and upon further inspection the barrel had been folded in on itself.  Who ever sawed it off did a pretty crappy job because the barrel was blocked.

And then I woke up…..

Damn you Taco Tonto’s.  Your tasty food causes weird dreams.

Picturing my Dream

I had a weird dream that I was taking a photography class.  It was bizarre enough that I took a picture of an actor and someone woman (whom I was friends with but can’t picture) and my instructor didn’t like pictures and sent me back to take more.  The initial shot was taken in japanese restaurant, but the man wasn’t available for more shots.

Instead I changed to a fountain in a park.  There a woman (again, no clue who she was, although this time around she kind of reminds me of Tami from college) modeled for me in front of the fountain.  I took many shots, figuring the more the better.  I even kept taking shots when a swim class showed up.

It was a bunch of four and five years olds along with several instructors all swimming in the fountain.  All of a sudden they all got excited and swam towards the middle.  They did a roll call and realized that they were missing two boys.  I then figured out that I had taken pictures of the kidnappers taking the boys.

The police showed up and found a secret passage down the middle of the fountain.  I went over and told them that I had a shot of the kidnapper, but couldn’t pull it up.  The camera that I was using had been used by multiple people in class and had thousands of pictures on it.  I sat there for a long time trying to figure out how to mass delete pictures but the dimming sun kept me from seeing the camera correctly.

It was just bizarre.

Holy Crap Part Two:

So to follow up from my dream about the tiger.

In it, prior to the the tiger, I was here at my parent’s house, where I am now.  There were some rats that were rabid, or zombie rats or something, and they were only in the basement, which is where I was staying with Angelo (Angelo came home with me for Christmas).

I went downstairs to look for him.  Angelo came walking out from around a corner with another cat.  It wasn’t DC (the last cat my parents had) or Fumbles (a cat they had a few years ago) or Oscar (my cat that died earlier this year), but it was a cat that seemed familiar to me.  Angelo even got along with him as if they had lived together for years (which is weird, even though Oscar and Angelo lived together for years, they were never the type to follow each other around unless it was food time).

Anyways, they came around the corner, walking at first, and then running up the stairs behind me.  This was also strange, because in the couple days we’ve been here Angelo has never ventured upstairs by himself.  He’ll stare up from the bottom, but not walk up himself.  And these aren’t the first set of steps he’s seen.  Back in Buffalo he lived two years in an apartment where he had to go upstairs to use the litter box.

Back in the dream I was surprised to see this gnarly, old, patched-fur cat come strolling out.  It looked bigger than a cat, but definitely a cat.  It laid on its back and you could see missing patches of fur and scars where it looked like it had gotten in a fight.  As I went closer to the cat it got bigger and bigger.  Eventually it wasn’t a cat.  I was close enough to touch it when I realized it was a bengal tiger.  I slowly backed away but it flipped over on its feet and crouched low.  As I turn to run up the stairs it leaps at me.

And that’s where I woke up thrashing.  When I stood up out of bed I almost jumped back on the bed thinking there would be zombie rats (or rabid rats) on the floor.

Bizarre.  First really vivid dream I’ve had in a while.