Holy Crap Part Two:

So to follow up from my dream about the tiger.

In it, prior to the the tiger, I was here at my parent’s house, where I am now.  There were some rats that were rabid, or zombie rats or something, and they were only in the basement, which is where I was staying with Angelo (Angelo came home with me for Christmas).

I went downstairs to look for him.  Angelo came walking out from around a corner with another cat.  It wasn’t DC (the last cat my parents had) or Fumbles (a cat they had a few years ago) or Oscar (my cat that died earlier this year), but it was a cat that seemed familiar to me.  Angelo even got along with him as if they had lived together for years (which is weird, even though Oscar and Angelo lived together for years, they were never the type to follow each other around unless it was food time).

Anyways, they came around the corner, walking at first, and then running up the stairs behind me.  This was also strange, because in the couple days we’ve been here Angelo has never ventured upstairs by himself.  He’ll stare up from the bottom, but not walk up himself.  And these aren’t the first set of steps he’s seen.  Back in Buffalo he lived two years in an apartment where he had to go upstairs to use the litter box.

Back in the dream I was surprised to see this gnarly, old, patched-fur cat come strolling out.  It looked bigger than a cat, but definitely a cat.  It laid on its back and you could see missing patches of fur and scars where it looked like it had gotten in a fight.  As I went closer to the cat it got bigger and bigger.  Eventually it wasn’t a cat.  I was close enough to touch it when I realized it was a bengal tiger.  I slowly backed away but it flipped over on its feet and crouched low.  As I turn to run up the stairs it leaps at me.

And that’s where I woke up thrashing.  When I stood up out of bed I almost jumped back on the bed thinking there would be zombie rats (or rabid rats) on the floor.

Bizarre.  First really vivid dream I’ve had in a while.

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