
It may be a little odd, but I occasionally have whole conversations with my cats. Not just the cats though, also with Sam’s Guinea Pigs. They also swear a lot in these conversations. At me.

Like I said. Odd.

Anyways, so tonight when I get out of the shower Oscar is standing on the sink looking at me like he usually does. Since he got worse a few weeks ago he has been more and more cuddly and much more of a follower (he’s always around). When I shower he usually stands on the sink and stares at me through the shower curtain.

When I get out and stare in the eyes this whole conversation plays out. Not in my head mind you, rather out loud with me giving both voices.

Me: Glad you are sticking around Oscar.

Oscar: I’m still sick.

Me: You’re doing better though. That’s cause you’re a Charpentier.

Oscar: I’ve only been a Charpentier for a few years though.

Me: Doesn’t matter. We ignore pain and sickness through stubbornness and will power. The Vet gave you a week and its been almost three and you’re still kicking. In fact you are the best you’ve been in a month.

Oscar: You know it doesn’t mean that I’m alright.

Me: Well duh. Charpentier’s may ignore pain and injuries and sickness up until death or falling over from exhaustion, but we’re not stupid.

Oscar: Sounds stupid when you put it like that.

Me: OSCAR. Its ok, I still love you.

Oscar: Love you too. Now give me some food you bastard.

I realize

I realize there have to be worse ways to wake up but…..

a cat throwing up loudly at the end of your bed has to be near the top of the list. The sounds are bad enough, however when added with the horrifying accompanying scents it’s nauseating.

To double-down on the “you’ll not get back to sleep after this” Angelo then followed up the vomiting with crapping in the other room…. not in the litter. In case you’re wondering, yes, you can hear Angelo shitting, it is like a loud, messy, wet popping now that happens several time in sequence. Oh yeah…. that smells too.

I realize he’s old, and eating lots of wet cat food of differing varieties and healthiness because we are trying to keep Oscar eating by buying whatever food tastes good, but if he never does this again I’ll be a happy man.

But I’m not kidding myself.


Ode to Oscar

You are my cat.
Therefore you must rock.

I took Oscar to the vet today.  He has an infection in his tooth, same tooth  (or at least area) as last summer.  When I took him last summer was when I found out about his Kidney issues, and they basically said he had 1 – 2 years left.  Last visit at the end of October was fantastic.  He was doing great, they pushed back bringing him in from every 6 weeks to 6 months this time.

So when I brought him in for his tooth I figured everything else was fine (Kidney wise).  I knew he had lost some weight because he wasn’t eaten much at all, but he was a full 4 pounds lighter than his last visit.  The vet still thought it was just his tooth, but wanted to do blood work anyways.  His blood work revealed that he was basically in the end stages of Kidney failure.  He had weeks essentially.

They offered to keep him there and super hydrate him with fluids, but there were downsides to that as well.  I told them I’d rather take him home with me.  So he’s on antibiotics, pain medicine (for his mouth) and I have to give him an IV every night.  It sounds like a lot, but its not.  Even with all this they said it wouldn’t be a recovery so much as a postponement, which I’m ok with if that’s all I get.

I went in with some worries, was picked up when she said she thought it was just his tooth and antibiotics would help, and then kinda crushed when the blood work came back.  When the vet come back with results and she has tears in her eyes and is having trouble talking its definitely not good news.

Before I left they told me to “Get him whatever food he likes best, take him out for lots of walks to his favorite places, give him treats and make him comfortable, he’ll let you know when its time.”

I got Oscar three years ago from my friend Dani.  She was moving and couldn’t take Oscar with her.  It took him a long while before I considered him mine.  ALmost a year really.  I was used to Angelo, and Angelo and Oscar are two completely different cats.  Angelo is a perfect apartment cat.  Independent, quiet, loves to cuddle.  He doesn’t need anything from you but your warmth, food, water and a clean litter box.  Oscar needs and craves attention.  He wants adventure, whether a laser pointer, toy mouse, or running around in a park.  And that last bit is how I really bonded with him.

I spent a whole summer taking Oscar to the park with me.  I don’t have a ton of friends out here in Cleveland, and going to the park and reading, or walking around, or laying on my hammock was always more enjoyable with Oscar there with me.  He would run about on his leash and harness for a while and then just settle down on the grass in the shade.  After a particularly windy storm out here there were tree limbs all over.  Oscar had a ball.  He once found a tree with a big hole in the bottom that he could crawl into.  He sat vigil in that hole for over an hour.

Almost two years ago when I was dating Sarah we got a ferret.  Oscar and the ferret were best friends.  It was crazy to see them jumping around and chasing each other.  Oscar never attempted to hurt the ferret, just loved playing with her.  It was a bizarre relationship between them, they were like siblings.  Awesome to see, and made me never worry about them being lonely.

Oscar and Angelo on the other hand are like brothers who love and kind of can’t stand each other at the same time.  They’ll lay near each other, groom each other on occasion, but you’d never think they really got along.  Usually they are at opposite ends of the bed or couch or even apartment.  They fight occasionally.  But on the other end of the spectrum Angelo won’t leave the apartment unless Oscar is in front of him blazing the trail.  If the door is open and Oscar is out there Angelo will go out.  No Oscar and he stays right in the safe apartment.

Oscar basically became family.

So yeah, it was kind of crushing to hear that news today.


So I’m not going to have time to write 750 words this morning in the next, 8 or so minutes.  It’s just not enough time.

I am quite proud that Sam and I got up this morning to exercise before work.  Her to do some morning yoga stretches or something or another (I don’t do yoga…. hate it).  Me to ride my exercise bike for twenty minutes.  And I did take it rather easy, my calf, for obvious reasons, doesn’t feel the best.  But I thought getting some blood pumping through the bruise would be good for it also.

I had a very strange dream last night.  Two actually.  Unfortunately the first came right before the first alarm went off and instantly disappeared into the mist when I went to sleep for another 15 minutes.

In the second though I was living in this same apartment sometime in the near future.  Oscar was dead (my cat).  While walking through the dinning area of my apartment the floor boards started to rumble.  They started cracking and a box pushed up through the floor boards.  It was Oscar.  I had apparently buried him underneath the floor of our apartment when he died.

I picked up the box and tried to keep him in it while he kept trying to get out.  At first he clearly dead and rotting like a zombie cat would be, but as the dream went on he kept getting healthier and healthier until at the end of the dream I let him out of the box because he was perfectly fine.

While this was going on Sam was on the phone (in my dream) with someone who was telling her to pick up her two pets.  These two pets they were referring to had died when she was a child and they wanted her to pick up their now animated bodies.  I kept telling her to hang up, and she finally told the person she wasn’t driving to Madison to pick up some quasi-alive animals.


What I really got out of the dream, or what caused me to think when I woke up was that when Oscar pushed out of the floorboards in his box there was dirt everywhere.  When I woke up I immediately knew this wasn’t right.  I live on the third floor, there wouldn’t be dirt.

Then I got thinking.  I don’t like that there isn’t dirt underneath my floor.  That kind of bugs me.

Time for work.  418 words. Not bad for a quick morning entry.

Tale of Two Kitties

As you may or may not know, when Oscar’s face swelled up a few weeks ago I raced him to the vet (alright it was two days later that he went to the vet, but that’s racing in “AJ Emergency Mode”).  There they found out that he had a bad tooth infection and wanted to pull the tooth.  Before surgery they did some blood work and found out his kidneys were shutting down.  The official term “Chronic Renial Infection”.

He is now on a special canned food diet and has to have a fluid IV every other day.  His levels have come down closer to normal (still much higher than normal) but better.  In six weeks we will try again and see how his blood levels go.  Best case scenario they say is one to two years max left of life.

While there I mention that Angelo has been pooping outside of the box on occasion.  Usually a few days at a time in front of the doorway out of the apartment.  He sometimes would go a week and then out of nowhere poop in front of the door again.  So I bring Angelo in for a visit, and the vet thinks that because it is only poop, and only in front of the door, and not any urine, that is mostly a headcase thing.  He prescribes Prozac for Angelo.  PROZAC.

So I have one cat who is on medicine and fluids and a special diet and another on prozac.  I’m a good pet owner I swear.

Oscar Updated

So not really good news coming from the Vet yesterday.

No tooth pulling going on.  According to his blood test his levels (of just about everything) were super high, like 3 to 4 times the normal amounts.  They said this meant that his kidneys were not working well.

He doesn’t have Feline HIV or Feline Leukemia  Which is good news.  However we now have to give him subcutaneous fluids every other day, he has to be on a a canned food diet, and medicine with every meal.  My cats aren’t normally a set meal time, so that is something new, and giving him fluids from an IV drip type thing is bizarre.

The worst news was with an expected diagnosis chronic renal failure means at best he has an expected 1 – 2 years to live.  Might be more might be less.

Anyways we find out in two weeks when he goes back for more blood work.

On a side note, when he gets the subcutaneous fluids he has a funny like liquid hump on back for an hour or two.