Tale of Two Kitties

As you may or may not know, when Oscar’s face swelled up a few weeks ago I raced him to the vet (alright it was two days later that he went to the vet, but that’s racing in “AJ Emergency Mode”).  There they found out that he had a bad tooth infection and wanted to pull the tooth.  Before surgery they did some blood work and found out his kidneys were shutting down.  The official term “Chronic Renial Infection”.

He is now on a special canned food diet and has to have a fluid IV every other day.  His levels have come down closer to normal (still much higher than normal) but better.  In six weeks we will try again and see how his blood levels go.  Best case scenario they say is one to two years max left of life.

While there I mention that Angelo has been pooping outside of the box on occasion.  Usually a few days at a time in front of the doorway out of the apartment.  He sometimes would go a week and then out of nowhere poop in front of the door again.  So I bring Angelo in for a visit, and the vet thinks that because it is only poop, and only in front of the door, and not any urine, that is mostly a headcase thing.  He prescribes Prozac for Angelo.  PROZAC.

So I have one cat who is on medicine and fluids and a special diet and another on prozac.  I’m a good pet owner I swear.

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