One of those...
04/24/09 23:43
Here it is. I was riding high earlier. And I'm a
little down now. I can't pinpoint anything.
I biked to work and back today. Close to ten miles
each way. I felt great coming home. Went to a show.
Came home. Sat down and I don't know.
I put on the most meaningless, mindless, thoughtless,
entertaining movie I can think of. At this point its
Shoot 'Em Up. What little
thought (probably a lot of thought) went into
this movie, to make a plot that is seemingly
inconsequential to the general entertainment of
the movie is a great achievement.
I don't even want to watch it though. So I'm going to
take my contacts out and go to bed. Although I'm
hungry. Considering the exercise I got today I should
have eaten more. I was talking to Lenore tonight and
telling her how...well out of all my friends I always
figured myself the loner. Not loner as in I don't
have friends. But loner as in I don't need friends
close by. That's true and not at the same time. I'm
good by myself. I make my own fun. But when you're
down, and don't have the friends you can really on to
easily hang out with or call up to go get a beer.
Someone to talk to in person. She's right
though.....I need to do more to fill up my time. So I
guess I have to work on that.