Day 66

Day 66. This is good. I like that I have this record of daily drawings. I know I am going to look back this period some time from now and be jealous. Jealous that I cared enough to do this. To force myself to do this. I look back every once and a while at my journals from college. My freshman and sophomore year of college I kept this journal. In a Composition Notebook with blank paper, a notebook Mead doesn't even make anymore. And after I finished the notebook full I never got back into writing journals again. Not in as frequent of a pace as I did in those years. And it's always bugged me. Blogging is one thing. But its not the same.

But these drawings. They're, well they're mine. And I like that. My book I'm using is a hardcover black journal. I bought it years ago for journaling that I never did. I counted pages left in it. I have enough to make to exactly January 1st. How strange is that? So I'll need a new one soon. I'm thinking spiral bound this time so scanning will be easier. I really, really hope that what happened with my journaling doesn't happen with my daily drawings.

For those with no idea of what I'm talking about, my daily drawings are found here.