
Its funny how things intertwine. I was thinking of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind today, and listened to the soundtrack. Of course Eternal Sunshine brings back memories. Its just one of those movies. And I love it.

Then I talk to Pat. Who says that there are now scientists who say a drug can break down fearful memories. It is some sort of blood pressure medicine. Its kind of scary. The article is here.

I agree with the end of the article. How its scary. How our memories and the emotional connections we form around those memories make us who we are. Imagine being able to remember a moment in time, without any emotional attachment to that memory. I'm not exactly sure how the drug works. If the memory is completely erased or just the fear and attachment to that memory is erased. Maybe I'm just being over cautious, maybe I value my memories too much. Maybe I think memories are too important to be casually, or even as part of treatment. Painful memories, that are lost naturally, or repressed by the brain are meant to go. Erasing someone's memories, even traumatic ones, is a scary thought. And a scary power for someone to have.