
There's this great punk bar not too far from my apartment. Less than a half mile walk. I went there tonight. And drank some, because it was cheap. There was crappy live music. And cheap drinks (did I mention that). I had a good time there, and one my way home looked up at a tree.

I climbed that tree I was looking at. I got up a solid ten to fifteen feet higher than I normally look from. To the West the sky was dark and dooming. To the East it was slightly lighter. And neither was the course I wanted to take. Neither was appealing. I kept walking my path north.

This new higher perspective did nothing to alleviate feelings about my current path in life. There's one person on my mind, and she is sometimes right in front of me, other times it feels like regardless of which way I turn she's not there. And I want her there.

"Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss."
